While many look to ancient medicine or Ayurvedic medicine when thinking of plant-based medicines or herbs, deep in the heart of nature lies a treasure unknown to many: Kanna. As you camp for the few minutes here at Curos, let’s unravel the mystery behind this unknown treasure. This herb was dried then chewed as an antidote for depression, hunger and stress by ancient bushmen. Kanna is now garnering a surging popularity in modern medicine.
The most interesting bit of this succulent plant is that it is euphoric yet non-hallucinogenic. Due to chewing of the herb by the natives who used it, it would be referred to as “kougoed” in Dutch which means “good to chew”. Kanna was highly valued by its natives in that they would gather upto a whole year’s harvest and keep it preserved in sheepskins. It would then be transported over long distances for trade purposes.
In 1898, an alkaloid identified as mesembrine was extracted from the plant. Upon trial on frogs and guinea pigs, this alkaloid was documented to have a rapid physiological activity due to its action of naturally inhibiting serotonin reuptake. Its mechanism, though not fully understood was seen to have an effect on the amygdala, a brain region associated with processing emotions. Kanna has also been found to have a high affinity for a protein known as the serotonin transporter. This is a strong indicator towards the herb’s calming effect on the nervous system.
Today, Kanna has become scarce in native countries and is only found in nurseries. In many places around the world, it is used for recreational purposes though its native users were particularly against its exploitation for foreign interests. Learn more on what is dna testing or check out Curos for more details.
Despite being used for centuries now, Kanna is still unknown in several places. Looking at the mental health statistics, an estimated 264 million people worldwide suffer from anxiety disorders while 322 million others are afflicted by depression. It is no doubt that many could benefit from this ancient gem here! Kanna comes as a potential dietary option for those looking for other alternatives besides conventional medicines.
Besides the improved emotional state and mental wellness, Kanna has also been found to be a good remedy for sleep as documented in diaries of patients in a study done in 2013. Other benefits that are still under investigation include its ability to aid alcoholics as well as improving the cognitive function in Alzheimer patients.
While many other pros associated with Kanna are still under scrutiny, there’s good news to obsessive thinkers and those suffering from anxiety since there’s a way out. In addition to this, there’s no reason to worry about intoxication effects, hallucinations or habit-forming trends, thanks to Kanna. For more of such delightful insights, follow Curos and keep the knowledge pot boiling. Continue reading more on this here: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/the-best-herbs-to-grow-at-home-and-how-to-do-it_us_58e7bbe0e4b00dd8e016eb34.